Dr. Andrea “Andie” Weiner, Ed.D., (www.drandie.com) has concentrated her research on children’s social and emotional skill development. As founder of Emotionally Smart Beginnings, she produces educational products for children and parents that cover topics from making friends to how to read emotional cues. She is also the author of “The Best Investment: Unlocking the Secrets of Social Success for Your Child,” making her a popular talk show guest and lecturer.

Her professional career includes spending several years as a child and family therapist at Hahnemann University (Tenet Health Systems) and serving as Vice President of Medical Delivery Systems at US Healthcare/Aetna, where she developed the mental health programs for subscribers. Dr. Andie worked in schools presenting self-esteem projects in classrooms as well as coaching teachers on using new innovative strategies addressing social skills for students.

Her multiple careers as child therapist, psycho-educational specialist, business executive, mother, grandmother and as an author and lecturer, has enabled her to develop a wealth of experience and insight on how social and emotional skills can create lifelong benefits. Her new book, “It’s More than Saying Love You . . . Teaching Self-Love to Children,” will be released in August 2010.

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